Saturday, June 28, 2014

Know your audience: 4:4

Knowing your demographic is a necessary part of any writing assignment. If you don't know who you  are writing for then there is no structure to what you are saying. If I didn't know that I was writing for My English teacher and fellow students, I wouldn't be talking about writing, or even discussing this. Knowing who you are talking of the highest importance second only to the topic you are talking about. 
When I wrote my question asking the class where they all wished they had been born, I wasn't very surprised with the answers. More then half of the class said that they would stay where they are, and that they are glad that they were born and grew up right here in MO. This didn't surprise me because from what I have read, almost everyone is here to either fulfill their home university's gen-ed requirement, or like most, returning back to school. This also didn't surprise me because that is normally what Community Colleges are for. There is convenience in taking an online class, and it sounds like almost everyone works either a full-time job, or is a full-time parent. 
I was surprised by the amount of passion that everyone has for this class. I love learning, but I have found that my passion for learning is rare. Because of this, I was surprised to hear how excited everyone was about this specific class, or just college in general. 
On a different note, I was also surprised to hear that so many people love winter and fall. I will never truly be able to understand a love for the cold weather, and I am sure all of you snow lovers could say the same thing about me. This just goes to show how very different we are, but how much we can appreciate our varying views.

1 comment:

  1. Good beginning here. Move beyond summary to analysis by asking why. Why did people answer the way that they did? What does this all mean. Defining the meaning will bring you to analysis. ~Ms. A.
