Sunday, June 15, 2014

Perceptions. -Jung Typology Test

Growing up I was one hundred percent sure that I knew what I was going to be; a veterinarian. When asked about my dream job, thoughts of helping cute puppies popped into my head. It wasn't until I watched a television show that explained the horrors of veterinary clinics, that I realized  being a vet wasn't all playing with puppies.
As I grew up, I assigned myself different professions. After realizing that I no longer wanted to be a vet, I bounced many ideas around. As I got closer and closer to senior year, I began to visualize professions I could see myself doing as a career.
Similar to my unrealisitc view of veterinarians, I often have specific idea's about myself that aren't completely accurate. Taking the Jung Typology test has given me a better understanding of the type of person I am. While I have always known that I am an outgoing and sensitive person, I hadn't thought about my strong sense of judgment being an asset. I had a picture in my mind of what was good and bad and had limited myself to those parameters. As humans we put limits on ourselves based on our perceptions of what the outcome needs to be. By doing this we are limiting ourselves from even trying. Being aware of who we are, and the personality types we hold is incredibly important. Being reassured of my outgoing, compassionate, and intuitive ways wasn't useful information, but having my eyes opened about judgement will help me throughout the english course I am taking.
Much like my kid self, I had put myself in a box. I decided what was good and bad based on my prior opinions of positive and negative traits. This box limited my ability as a writer, and I didn't know it. Going through the rest of my education with an open mind is something that the test challenged me to do. Being open minded and ready to learn is going to benefit me now and in years to come. 


  1. Charissa,
    Like you I could never quite figure out exactly what I wanted to be as an adult. Now that I've been working for awhile I realize the career I would love found me. I took the test 4 times getting 4 different results. I know that each time I answered the questions based on how I felt at the time. I guess I'm in a state of change and will be moving through several different phases. Really that is who I am I'm always learning new things taking on new responsibilities in my job and I love helping people. So maybe all the test were right after all.
    Belinda Clark

  2. Good beginning. Do not forget the first step of reflection - summation. Be specific so your audience understanding the revelations you have made in your reflection. ~Ms. A.
